About Us

About Company

Timely Architecture and Engineering Survey

We consider ourselves the best construction company in Nairobi because of one thing. This thing has been the missing link in the success of most construction work in the country. It represents one thing that clients want yet, most companies do not deliver and in the end, the quality of a construction is compromised. This secret is explained by our “Timeless Build Solution”. Our mantra for this solution is “Strong. Safe. Stunning. All under One Roof”.

Engineer Frank Ndagi


Need help? Contact me

+254717688179 or info@timely.co.ke

We are, therefore, an expert-driven company that combines structural, engineering, civil work and architectural designs to provide you with safe, long-lasting and visually stunning developments.

Are you looking for a partner that will meet all your expectations?

Are you tired of mundane designs and quacks in the construction?

Say hello to our Timeless Build solution that promises you an exceptional experience for your construction project.

Say goodbye to stressful encounters with contractors, foramens and engineers and enter a realm of seamless construction with Timely Construction.

Join us today, get a quote and let’s get that project on the go!!

Our History

Timely Build Solution

The Owner

2018 - 2025

Almost a Decade of Quality Services

We have been in business for 7 years and have become a household name in the city with projects along the major city highways. Our Timeless Build Solution was forged from experience, expertise and also from cries in the country for building that can be trusted.

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Timely Construction Limited
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